Wednesday, January 02, 2013

on new year goals...

Hello 2013! I welcome you. December was quite a crazy month for this gal. I was working like a madman and supplying the crazy shoppers with their caffeine. I haven't been around much and I'm sure that all my billions and billions of readers have been missing me tremendously. Now that the Holidays are behind me (and what a wonderful Holiday season it was!) I should be able to make an appearance more often. Thanks for sticking around.

With this New Year upon us I am happy and healthy and ready for a fresh start. I always feel like the New Year brings new beginnings. I am the type of person that loves to live in the moment but most of all thrive to see life not just for what it is, but for what it can be. Sure there will be doubt, ups and downs, good and bad days but in the end we are just here to make this life what we want it to be. I think a lot of people lose focus of that.  

I'm a dreamer, so that whole seeing what life can be is huge for me. I daydream and wonder about the future and always love to set goals, big & small, to keep me moving towards the things that I want most in my life. It works for some and not for others. This year will be a great year for change and big things. My little family and I have some future plans in affect and soon they will bring us to a new chapter in our life. It's fun and scary all at the same time when reflecting on the future and what could happen this year but hell, I've got my arms wide open! 

Out with the old and in with the new, here are some of my new goals for this year...

We have a very busy schedule and because both my husband and I work full-time communication is super important for us. It can get a little hectic when we slack on keeping up on communicating with each other about things that need to get done or up and coming events or even bills. Keeping organized helps with communication. I am probably one of the most organized people in all the land but my husband not so much. And I've given up on trying to convert him so this year I am determined to help both of us stay on the same page.  

I'm addicted to being busy. Is that even possible? It's become a problem at times. There's always something to do and that mindset can get me in a heap of stress. This is always on my list and I'm always working on slowing down and I have become better at realizing when I take too much on. I have a tendency to start too many projects or take on too much and when I start I have a hard time stopping. I have a mission and, boy oh boy, stay clear of me man. I don't need to do everything in the whole world and all at once. I know why I take it all on and it's that wonderful feeling of accompaniment when it's all done. The weight lifted of my shoulders. The biggest thing I'll be working on is investing more of my soul into my family and the things that I love and balance the rest. This will enable me to be a better wife and mother! Amen. 

I would like to spend time in practicing my photography. There are so many resources and online e-courses that I want to take advantage of. I think I'll be selling my current Canon and upgrade this year! Fingers crossed. Hey you husband, you hear me, time for this lady to move on up. 

This is something that has been on my list for a while. I want to go on more adventures. Hike and go up to the mountains. Bobby actually just bought me some snowboard clothes and we are hoping to go up to the mountain next month for a long weekend. We shall see how that goes since I've never snowboarded or skied in all my life. The things I do for my fella. 
I want to travel more around Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas this year. Just pack a bag and go see things. This is something we don't do enough of and I crave more of the woodsy outdoors. 

I want this blog, my little corner, to grow. I hope to network more and create more relationships among the blogosphere. I totally need to get a little more organized with all my ideas and also with my time. Establishing time to really sit down and spend time on my blog is probably the hardest for me. 
One of my Christmas presents was an awesome online e-course dealing with blog design and right as we speak I am designing my very first blog template. How cool is that?! Knee deep in Html and fonts and all kinds of crazy things, gets me so excited! I am hoping to have my new design up and running in the next couple weeks!!

So, macarons are like my most favorite dessert in the whole wide world but I've been deathly afraid to make them. It's quite silly actually but for some reason I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure. The problem is that Beca from Tumbleweed is always posting photos on her Instagram of the most amazing looking macarons that I ever did see! I'll keep you posted on my macaron baking happenings. 
The other thing I want to try my hand at is a soufflé. Just saying "soufflé" has me all intimidated! Lord. It's just too sophisticated for me. But I must. No I can't! NO, I must. A soufflé is going to be created this year. And it's going to be epic. 

It's been a while my friends and it's time for some new ink. I've got a book full of ideas and sketches of numerous tattoos that I want. So this year I'll be adding some new art. 

You might not usually make yearly goals but I encourage you to! It can be anything at all. I think it's nice to have things to work at! Here's to making this year grand. 



  1. hallelujah a post! you're alive! :) great list

  2. Good list, Happy new year and all the best for 2012 xxxx

  3. I'm right there with you on stressing less! I seem to always be worrying about one thing or another and it just gets so tiring. Here to hopefully both of us working on that this year!

  4. great goals! I need to stress less too! so glad I stumbled upon your blog! new follower!

    happy new year!

