Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Let me tell you, I am super duper excited about the coffee shop. It's right smack in the middle of the mall and gets so much attention. I went down there today to help out Mike (my new boss) clean & organize the store. I swear I already had a bunch of people stop and ask when we will be opening. I even had this old man come up to the counter and before I could even begin to talk he had ordered a Tall Regular Coffee & handed me money! So yes, I think this store is going to be very successful. Not to mention that I enjoy Mike very much. He is young guy who is completely laid back & funny. Besides the fact that he is a total babe, I think he is the best boss ever! I really love it when I have a down to earth kind of boss. I am always nervous about it because it's hard to find people that are so open to the fact that I have facial piercings & visible tattoos. In the past I've actually turned down jobs because they wouldn't allow my piercings. And to me my piercings are part of me. As lame as that may sound to some, that's just how it is. At least for now.
Moving on. Black Friday looks like a go! YAY! But –- Booooo! to me having to wake up crazy early. Oh well, the money will be nice.
I will be going back tomorrow morning to stock as much as we can for Friday. Also I'm going to try to take some pictures to show you, my readers how cute my shop is!! Make sure you come back and visit tomorrow :-)

Gahhh, this week is going to be crazy. Since I am going to be spending most my morning tomorrow at work I will be stuck cooking like a maniac in the evening.
Which reminds me that I must share something funny with you...So, I forget if I mentioned that a few weeks ago we went shopping at our local grocery store and spent so much money that we got a FREE turkey! Anyways one morning last week Bobby ran to the store to pick something up (I forget what?) and he said he would take our coupon and get our turkey. So he did. Of course he comes home with a 20 pound-er!!!!!

Our conversation:
Me: Oh My God! Is that the turkey?!
Bobby: Yeah, Why?
Me: It's huge! What the hell am I going to do with that...
Bobby: What do you mean?
Me: Ummm, that won't fit in our oven.
Bobby: Ohh...

I so totally get what he was thinking...free turkey-- get the biggest bad boy in the whole bunch. Yet he wasn't thinking about it being too big for our oven. Pshhh who in the heck would even think about that detail?? Well, ME!

Just so you can judge for yourself, check out my oven>

No way that 20 pound bird is fitting in there. Trust me. I tried. No biggie. I just gave Lori (mother-in-law) a call and asked her if she by any chance had bought her turkey. Praise the lord she had not! Problem solved. I gave her our turkey and in return she bought us a couple sizes smaller. Thanks MUM!

By the way did you realize that there is less than a week left of November??
I know. I just realized!!

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