Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm still here!!

...Yes, I am still here. It's not my fault. I swear. So it turned out my computers power cord was not the problem! One day my new power cord came in the mail and I naturally plugged it right in when I got home from work thinking that my day turned out to be a good one...with my luck still nothing happend. No light showing it's charging, NO sign of life at ALL! Thank god I still have warranty at BestBuy. We took it back and they ended up saying the power supply on the Motherboard is busted. BOO! Now you see, you understand right. I have no computer, although that isn't the total truth since Bobby does have one but it sucks. I WANT MINE BACK! Who knows when I will be getting a call. Those Geeks better hurry it up.

...Saturday sucked balls. I got one of those 24 hour stomach bug thingys. Consisted of throwing up everything that went down my throat, 102 degree fever, abdominal cramps (the worst ever!) and of course a splitting headache. Not fun at all, espically since Bobby had work 7am-7pm. Right now I am just praying that my boys don't catch this nasty stupid bug!

...I am finally feeling caught up with everything since we got back from Seattle.

...My dad told me that the doctor is telling him that he will be needing neck & shoulder surgery. He has been suffering with pains for quite a while now, it's all those construction jobs and carrying heavy beams on his shoulders years ago. Not good. Wondering if I have enough left in me...

...I majorly need to go on a shopping spree. I need clothes. So, it made me extremely happy (after a couple days of pouting and whinning) when Bobby said that next pay day he will be treating me to a new wardrobe. I'm not spoiled...

...very eager to get a couple more tattoos this year as well as piercings ;) I have so many ideas, I just need to buckle down and decide. Talk about hemming and hawing. It will happen though. Trust me.

...realized that I still haven't posted up Project 365 but rest assure once I get my handy dandy lappy back that will be the first on my list.

...I'm feeling like I would like to buy more flowers. Enjoy them. Smell them. Love them.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being there.

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