Saturday, June 19, 2010

on a bean burger...

I made Bean Burgers for dinner lastnight. It's another recipe from my Vegetarian cookbook my mom-inlaw got me. Beans are a great source of fiber, protein & iron but aren't my favorite. I'll eat them but not something that I choose to cook often. Be that as it may I'm trying to change that with all the amazing things you can do with beans. Bean burgers being one of them. Here is how it turned out--
My thoughts: It did not take long at all to make these up and in the end I enjoyed them very much. I had one burger & filled me right up. The comination of pinto beans & mushrooms + the parsley really did a great job binding together. Bobby on the other hand did like it but said that it was a little too bland. He said it needs more "zest" (his exact words. Ha). I do agree with him that it needs a little more seasonings, at least more than the recipe calls for which is fine and which is something I would be adding to make this cow pie looking dish even BETTER! Make some, eat some. Here is the recipe by the book with Anny side notes. Be creative.

Bean Burgers
Serves 4

1 tbsp sunflower oil, plus some to brush onto the burgers (I just used canolia oil since that's what is in my kitchen)
1 onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
4 oz white mushrooms, finely chopped
15 oz/ 1 can pinto bean or red kidney beans (which ever you refer) rinsed & drained *this is important otherwise the burger will have to much liquid and won't bind together.
2 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
salt & pepper to taste & any other seasonings you might add!!
all-purpose flour to dusting
hamburger buns

1. Heat the oil in a skillet. Add the onion, cook until softened. Add garlic, coriander and cumin & cook for about a minute on medium heat. Add chopped mushrooms and cook. Stirr frequently for 4-5 minutes or until all the liquid has evaporated, again you don't want any excess liquids. Transfer to a bowl.
2. Put beans in a small bowl and mash with a fork. **I found this very diffecult to do with a fork so I got out my old fashioned potato masher and used that. Worked brilliantly! Once mashed add the mushroom mixture as well as the chopped parsley. Then season with salt, pepper & anything else you might like.
3. Preheat the broiler to medium-high. Divide the mixture into portions depending on how you prefer it. This recipe serves four and tells you to divide the mixture up into four equal portions but if you want smaller burgers GO FOR IT! I just did 4 because it's just Bobby & myself :) After dividing, shape into flat round patties. Dush lightly with flour then brush some of the oil on the patties. Cook under the broiler for 5 or so minutes on each side! Serve on hamburger buns and a salad if you like, that's what we did! DONE. EAT!

By the way this is now the third recipe that I've made from this fine book of mine. First was Falafel (which took 2 attempts) and then a lovely macaroni & cheese recipe. I will share those soon with you because both are fabulous!

"To eat is necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art"
Thing about that one ;)


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