Friday, April 29, 2011

on blondaholic-ism...

annnnd more blonde...
 I think it's safe to say I am blonde. I got my hair done-- highlights & low lights. I didn't get it cut this time. I have an appointment scheduled for the Friday before we leave for Seattle to do another dye job and also a cut. Just so it will be nice and fresh for the wedding :) Someone called me a "blondaholic" today and I think I might be...then again someone else told me that the blonde goes well with my fair complexion...I guess that was a complement? Haha. 

Also, when Sebastian and I got home today we were greeted by a huge package by the door with my name on it! It was very heavy too...Hmmmm? 
A box full of Paula Deen's cookware! I received my first item off my Amazon registry from my boss Dave!! It was such a lovely surprise and I am so exited to cook up some tasty meals this weekend. Yay for awesome Boss'. 


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