Tuesday, March 24, 2015

current podcasts

Podcasts are a new thing for me. I mean, I knew about them but it never occurred to me to actually give them a try. Honestly, I didn't even know where to go to listen to a podcast. Of course iTunes but for some reason iTunes hasn't really been something I'm drawn to. However, most recently I was introduced to the app Stitcher. I downloaded it onto my iPhone just last week and I've been obsessing over it ever since. Talk radio was never my jam. I mean, in the past when I'm in the car I would never really play a podcast and I always hated people talking but now I'm finding myself more intrigued wanting that interaction with the voice on the other side of the radio. Lately, I've been listening to my favorites on Stitcher while I'm on the ferry on my way to work.

The How They Blog Podcast. A whole bunch interview with some amazing bloggers who share about everything from managing life while being a blogger to more technical information. It's nice to listening to real people, yes bloggers are real people, and how they juggle life and being a blogger.

Stuff Mom Never Told You. This podcast I know I'll never get bored of! It's range of topics are so vast yet so interesting. With tittles like Daddy's Girls, Women of a Certain Age, The Literary Reign of YA Fiction. Just to name a few that I've listened too! So good.

Slumber Party With Alie and Georgia. "Climb into our fort for an adult slumber party with Alie and Georgia! There's wine spritzers, games, ghost stories and pajamas are mandatory." I mean, can it get any better than that. Alie & Georgia are super funny and witty. Most of their episodes they them talking with guest that share about their lives with  quirky little dialogue. So far I've listened to episode 28 with just Alie & Georgia and then episode 2 with Joy the Baker! Love actually hearing her voice and learning about where she came from!

The Nerdist. Everyone needs a little laugh here and there. I'm not hugely into comedy and my humor is pretty dry. I typically don't think things are as funny as most people think so it's hard for me be moved by most things but The Nerdist does it for me!

Have you ever listen to a podcast? Which one is your favorite?

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