Sunday, August 08, 2010

on The Girl Who Played With Fire...

Once I found out that the my local non profit theater, Hiway Theater, was playing The Girl Who Played With Fire I just had to go see it on Friday night. Perfect timing for I just had finished the book. Going with myself wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was sort of fun!
I think they did an alright job sticking to the book, there were some minor things altered but things that didn't bother me a whole lot. The movie was two hours and ten mintues which seemed like eternity for me but I think it was because it was so late and I had been up at 6am that morning. All the new character introduced fit right in to the characters in the book. I was pleased with that.
Really, I believe that was really draws me to these movies is the simplicity of them. There is no glitter or glam. No Hollywood. The movie is made as if I would be you or I were to make it. Nothing seriously intricate. The language is very warm and inviting, I caught myself just watching their lips move instead of watching the words on the bottem of the screen! I think it's very beautiful in it's own way. Plus Lisbeth Is my BESTFRANNN!
Go see it if you can!


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