Tuesday, November 05, 2013

on who I am...

I am...

...missing my blog. I miss writing here and expressing here. Can you believe that just this past Friday was my FOUR YEAR blog birthday! But lately, life just hasn't allowed it as much as I wish. I've been spending my evenings going to the gym, writing bits and pieces in my book or just catching up on television shows. Either way I hope to get back to sharing. I have some great easy recipes to share and some fun smoothies to have you try.

...grateful for all of our family and friends who came out to my in laws to join in on our farewell party. It was nice to see so many people in one place. Good food, laughs and drinks of course all equal an epic evening! I even wore a special shirt that I bumped into at Marshals a few weeks ago that I just had to buy just to wear for the party. Leaving one coast for another. Bittersweet but in the end we love everyone for supporting us in our journey. 

...realizing that tomorrow marks my last month of working at Saxbys Coffee. It's surreal to think about. I've worked there for almost five years now and it's become part of me. I've met so many amazing people and I will forever miss my co-workers and especially all the people I see on a day to day basis. 

...learning that people come and people go. I feel like I gain a few new good people in my life and then grow apart from others. I've learned the last two weeks that even the people who are by rule suppose to be the closest to you can still grow apart from you with a blink of your eye. Sometimes you just have to let them go. Since Sebastian was born and my little family was created I've found myself fighting less and moving on more. We must always choose our battles and some of them are just not worth it. Life always goes on though.

...loving some of the new friends Bobby and I acquired at the wedding we went to a few weekends ago. We went to the wedding knowing that we really wouldn't know anyone other than the bride and groom. I wanted to make the most of it and ended up chatting with a couple at our table. It turns out the dude met the groom the same way Bobby met him and they hit it off and the chick he was with ended up being his fiancĂ© which I became very friendly with. It was so fun! Next thing we know, we are inviting them to our farewell party and they are inviting us to their engagement party!! Love that sort of thing. 

...excited about my dear friend, Julee's second book available on Amazon. She is such an inspiration and I'm so proud of her for accomplishing something that means so much to her. I can't wait to get my hands on it, make a cup of hot chocolate, cuddle up on the couch and get lost in a Christmas adventure. Check out Sandra Claus by JingleBelle Jackson. Love you JULEE!

...addicted to the Witches of East End. Coolest. Show. 

...finding comfort in the little things. Snuggles with my little boy. The feeling I get when I see my husband looking at me with love in his eyes. Pandora speaking softly in my ears. A hot cup of tea. Freshly popped popcorn with a movie. Daydreaming of the future and what it holds. And all the people in my life who care about me and what I stand for, who constantly challenge me to be the best that I can be, who believe in me and for the people who appreciate me for me. Amen. 



  1. I am finding the same thing happening in my life with friends. A very, very close friend and I started growing apart over a year ago and I finally stopped struggling with it and let them go. We are clearly at different places in our lives and that is completely fine. Not ever friend is meant to be a forever friend, so I stopped being moppy and just appreciated the time we did have together.

    1. Thanks Laura, it's nice to know people who relate!

  2. Life has a funny way of giving what we least expected, at a time we never saw it coming.... /philosophical vagueness
