Sunday, January 04, 2015

walnut crusted cod | whole 30

I'm on my fifth day of Whole30 and it's going pretty well. I think the key to doing anything like Whole30 is meal planning and trying to mix it up. One of the reason people can't keep up with programs are because they get board of having the same thing over and over again due to  all the restrictions. What they don't know is there are tons of things you can cook up with even the smallest of ingredients. Restrictions, psshh. I laugh in the face of restrictions. You have got to be creative otherwise it just won't work. The other day we went food shopping and picked up some cod. Fish is a green light when it comes to Whole30 so I set out to be a little fun with a fish dish! Walnut Crusted Cod. It sounds fancy and looks fancy yet it was super simply.


(2) cod fillets
1 egg
1/2 cup walnuts
2 tablespoons dill 
2 cloves garlic
4 thin slices of lemon
salt & pepper to taste 

Preheat oven to 425. In a food processor, add walnuts, dill and garlic. Pulse food processor until you get a fine meal consistency. In a dish, whisk egg. Lightly salt & pepper cod fillets. Brush egg on each fillet. Sprinkle walnut mixture on top and pat to adhere it to the cod (I covered sides as well, but leave bottom of the fish free of walnut mixture). Spray an oven safe dish with non-stick spray, I used coconut oil spray from Trader Joe's. Place a few slices of thin cut lemon on bottom of dish and place cod fillets on top. Add a few slices of lemon onto the top and place in the oven. Bake for about 8-10 minutes or until the fish becomes opaque. After the initial baking, I turned the broiler on to medium and broiled the fish for two minutes to get the top to be crispy! Enjoy!

Quite simple. I sautéed some fresh asparagus to set the cod on top of and VIOLA, dinners done.  Elegant yet straightforward. Before I set out to make this meal I explained to Bobby what I was planning on making, figuring to ask because I had a feeling he wasn't going to be into the idea, because typically I just bread fish with panko for him. He did turn down my walnut crusted cod and so I just did the usual panko. Boy was he pouting when I was sitting there eating mine. Insert evil laugh here. See, I told you, is all I could say. 

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