Monday, January 17, 2011

on a few good things...

This weekend was nice. It was the first weekend that Bobby was off both Saturday and Sunday since about six months. Because of the new year his work schedule changed again. So now he will have a whole weekend off every other week. I love this half of the year. 

I finally was able to take this gem out of the box and give it some attention.
Take notice that my son is using our couch as a trampoline. And yes, he can jump real high. 
Anyways, I took this baby on a little trip over to the mother in-law who was a peach and helped me thread the machine. I have never really threaded one before and I probably could have sat down on my own and read the instructions to figure it out but I felt the need to have some guidance. In the end we just sat down together and used the manual to figure it all out since my machine is a little newer than hers, not to toot my own horn or anything ;) It went a lot quicker than I thought it would and we even found out that there is a very handy automatic needle threader! Now that I figured that little function out I am able to thread the machine in no time at all! I just want to have a giggle fit just thinking about it.
Now the fun begins. My first project will be the hemming of some jeans that I bought back in October that are abnormally long. Those need to get done so I can, um, wear them! 
In the mean time awhile I am just going to do little odd projects here and there and I want to try to make time in my schedule to take a local sewing class. Annnnnd trying to get my mother in-law to be my partner in crime, I think it would be a nice thing to do together since it's something we both have an interest for. So, if your reading this darling..Let's talk!
By the way, now that I am showing off my gem here I should show you this other gem that I got for Christmas from none other than the mother in-law..
 Cutest sewing box ever. I love the Paris theme to it, perfect in my mind and it will be great to keep all my goodies organized. 

Another good things that came out of this weekend is my new collection of lovely tights!
I swear Target is the best. These were only five dollars each! Such a bargain. Black leopard print, gray, floral and purple! Spring here I come. I'm ready for you.

What are you reading lately? I actually put a nice dent in the book I am reading called The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It started out pretty slow but now I feel like I am part of the characters. I've been sucked into the game full force with raw emotions. It's crazy what a book can make you feel. I will definitely want to read the other two books to this adventure.  

Lastly I wanted to share with you a few pictures of my cat. I made it my goal this year to try to give her a little extra love (even though she doesn't really take my love with arms wide open). Also because I feel like all the bloggers out there have cats. What's up with that? Is that a sort of requirement? Not sure about that one but any who this is my cat and her name is Cat or Kitty or even Cica, which means cat in Hungarian. She is called many things in our household but those are the post popular ;) 


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