Sunday, January 16, 2011

on some blog lovin'...

I am a new lover of Bloglovin'. Have you heard of it? I didn't until just a few days ago. It's great. You can keep track of all your favorite blogs. I have Google Reader but have never really kept up with adding all my must read blogs. It just never really apealed to me. Bloglovin' has a great look to it and I love how you can see the tittle of their new post as well as any images that go along with it. You can mark them as "read" or "unread" so that way you can keep track of what post you have read or not. Oh, and I think the best part is that you don't have to have a blog yourself to do this. Lets say you like to read other peoples blogs this is a site that you can collect and have a organized way to see all your favorites. Great right?
If you haven't signed up for it I encourage you to do so! Then add me :)

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