Friday, June 10, 2011

on ten things...

I am in serious list-making mode-- here are ten things you may or may not know about me.

1. Growing up I lived on a mini farm. Yes indeed. We had sheep, chickens & geese. At one point we almost had close to a dozen sheep. I always loved seeing the mommy sheep bellies grow with sheep babies. And after school I'd hurry up to the barn to see if any wee ones were running around. They were always the cutest things ever. I crave that every now and than and sort of wish Sebastian could have a child hood full of farm animals :) 

2. I haven't be on speaking terms with my "mother" for over 6 years now. After a messy divorce between my parents, I made a choice to not have anything to do with her or have her do anything with me due to many negative things cased because of her selfishness. Although many years have passed, I am reminded countless times that she has not changed one bit! I am more than content with all this though.

3. Sometimes I have a hard time balancing life. Between work, being a mother and a wife. Writing and reading. Being healthy and living carefree. Being the best at everything in my life and then not going insane. Loving others and loving my self. Most days I feel defeated. But really all I need to do is look at Sebastian & Bobby and then I feel whole again. They are my balance.

4. I really have a hard time staying up past 10pm. It's a problem. Or is it? Not sure. I've always been like this. I always went to bed around 9ish when I was in school. I would read a book in bed to make me sleepy. But still as the years pass I have such a hard time. It can sometimes be annoying especially when I am trying to watch a movie and can't help falling asleep! On the flip side I am very much a morning person. I guess you just can't have both. Mmmmm.

5. Been experiencing some baby fever lately. No I am not pregnant nor going to be any time soon!! You can breathe now. I mostly feel this way whenever we are around little Lilly (Sebastian baby cousin) and I see how wonderful Sebastian is with her. How gentle he is and every ounce of love that he shows towards her. My heart melts every time. I just can't help think how cute he will be when he becomes a big brother :)

6. I am one hundred percent Hungarian. I'm sure most of you already know that but those of you who are new here might not. Because there are so many of you...yes, that's my sarcasm at work. Anyways, I have two half sisters from when my dad was first married who live in Hungary. I don't keep in touch with them as much as I wish I did over the years.

7. When I am sick or simply not feeling well my comfort food of choice is PB&J! Nothing else can enter my mouth. It is the only thing that will make me feel better. I like my bread slightly toasted with peanut butter on one side and grape jelly on the other.

8. Did you know that I'm a barista?! If you didn't know this then you should seriously be ashamed of yourself. My very first job, while I was still in high school, was at a place called Great Harvest Bread Company. There aren't a lot around (a least out here in Philly there isn't). Which is a shame because they are the best. Great Harvest was mainly a bakery where we sold yummy breads and sweet desserts but also we offered Peet's Coffee and made lattes. That is where my coffee career truly started! Since then I've been with Bucks County Coffee out here in Philly which I adored and then now with Saxbys Coffee that actually bought out Bucks County. I've been a Manager at both companies. I know everything there is to know about coffee. I have acquired over the years the talent of Latte Art. Yes, be jealous. Other than that I know for a fact that when it's time for me to hang up the barista apron (I don't really wear one) it's going to be a pretty sad day. Not being around coffee will take some getting used to. But until then I supply people with their much need liquid crack, as I like to call it, and making them happy!

9. Now here's something even people that are pretty close to me might not know! When I was younger I was a hardcore Hungarian dancer! What, you mean you've never heard of Hungarian dancing. Come on! Ha. I don't blame you. Totally random. But back in the old days my family would get together with all the Hungarian folk in Seattle. We would gather and eat, talk and drink. Christmas was one of the biggest gatherings year round and we little kids would preform our traditional Hungarian dances in front of the crowd of people. We would be in our little traditional Hungarian outfits and I remember feeling like a true girl in that skirt with all the layers and how the tulle made it all puffy. Twirling in that skirt was the funnest. One of these days I'll dig up a picture of me in my proud moments of Hungarian dancing glory.

10. I watch Phineas & Ferb all the time with Sebastian. Don't judge me. We love that show :)



  1. I love Phineas and Ferb. we watch it too! i can't stand most kid shows. yay netflix

  2. Okay new tradition on Christmas is u doing ur dance. I would love to see it. Aunt Cheryl
