Monday, October 20, 2014

who I am

I am...

...happy, exhausted  frustrated, overwhelmed, inspired and just about every emotion that is humanly possible. October is one of my favorite months and because there is so much going on this month it's been a roller coaster of emotions for me. It's ok though. It's actually a really good learning experience. In the past I've had a hard time with being able to juggle a million things at once without feeling unbearably overwhelmed. I always had a hard time asking for help or being able to put something aside and deal with it at another time. Being in school and doing everything else from the time I walk through the door of my home to the time I go to bed has really shaped me as mother and a wife. I'm proud of this! 

...focusing on my next dream, goals & aspiration. 

... thankful for my son. We went to a birthday party the other day and ended up having a horrible experience. I've never had such a strong feeling towards any sort of child like I did at this party when we met a boy that was a year older than Sebastian. The boy was awful! It pains me to even say that about a child but there's really no other words for it. I couldn't help but try to shield Sebastian for this boy's destructive mind. I was so sick to my stomach with everything this boy was doing. The parents weren't there, which was already really odd to me. I couldn't help but count down the minutes until cake and ice cream were done so we could leave. It was such a terrible experience! I can't help wonder what all the other parents were thinking because whatever I was thinking was seriously plastered on my face. It was a shame because the party was wonderful. I even went as far as having a conversation with Sebastian about how the boy was someone I wouldn't want him to play with. The best thing happened after that because Sebastian agreed with me. Thankful for my son and happy that he is starting to be aware of things around him. 

...saddened when negative/hurtful things happen to loved ones. It's especially hard when you can't really do anything for them but be there. I guess that's all you can do somethings. I just worry that it's not enough. 

...happy that my husband is finally starting on his little business venture. He's been talking about it for a while now but it's finally coming together for him. He got some decals put on our car and created business cards as well. Not to forget he got his first payment from a customer last week. So proud of him! I'm thrilled to see him so excited and passionate about something. Please support my husband and go "like" his facebook page and if you know of anyone that needs any performance tuning done on their cars, message my man! 

...counting down the days until I head to up to Snoqualmie Casino for the Label.M 2014 show. Label.M is a London based hair care company. The artistic team will be showcasing their new collection and I'm going in hopes to be a part of it as well as network and try to get my foot into the door, so to speak. A girl can try, right? 

...loving the blog/social media world. I've met so many encouraging people! 

...currently obsessed with all that fall television has to offer. The Originals, Vampire Diaries, American Horror Story, Sons of Anarchy & Walking Dead. Or new shows that I will be tuning into like Constantine and Big Driver. I've even started watching (thanks to my dad and step-mom) The Voice, where I've fallen in love with Pharrell Williams and I of course have the biggest crush on Gwen. 

...looking forward to Halloween/trick or treating, being done with State Boards and having the last month in school to take on as many clients as I can, book club night, the future, a much needed manicure, seeing my little sister's face tomorrow and peaceful mind. 

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