Thursday, February 04, 2010

on this or that...

Still trying to get used to Bobby's work schedule. Every two weeks it changes. This week he is back to doing the night shift. So by the time I get home from work we have almost 3 hours to spend with each other before he heads to work around 6pm. Therefore I have that amount of time to get my blogging out of the way as well. I try to create some sense of what I want to tell you all in my head way before I get home. Like at work while I pour coffee :)
It was super weird lastnight, for some darn reason I could not sleep. I think it's the knowledge that Bobby won't be next to me. Before he got his promotion he was still doing 2nd shift and wouldn't get home til 1am. So, most the time I would already be in bed--but I think the fact that I knew he was going to be home next to me at some point made the difference. Now it's just me in our queen size bed. I don't know what to do with myself! Hoping tonight I can try to get some shut eye.

Last night I cooked up a new reciepe-- Sausage, Lentil & Spinach Soup. It's something that I got out of one of my older Everday Food magazines by Martha Stewart. The reciepe though, called for Kale instead of spinach but I knew Bobby would make a dreadful face once he found out Kale was inside his soup. I avoid that face as much as possible! The change is great though, I don't have a problem with Kale but spinach added a nice touch as well as the Tortallini that I snuck into it. Have you ever try to cook Kale in any of your dishes? To be honest, I think I've only had Kale once and that was at a dinner Bobby and I had at his friend Kashian's who is Thai and made a dish with Kale which was sauted..I believe. It was a while ago when Bobby and I first met, but I remember it was interesting eating it. Anywho, here is my Sausage, Lentil & Spiniach Soup!--
Not sure about you but I loooooove soup. The more 'stuff' in the soup the better. I don't think I've ever stuck with the reciepe when it comes to soup. This soup has Sweet Italian Sausage that you have to break up with a wooden spoon. First of all, let me stop there. Have you ever tried breaking Italian Sausauge up with a wooden spoon??? Ummmm impossible. I'm telling you right now it can't be done. I had to pull out a knife to cut the sausage and then eventually after cutting it up I was able to use the wooden spoon to break the pieces even smaller. Sorry, I had to add that in because I was thinking to myself (as I was cooking away) that Martha must have some sort of special wooden spoon. Mine was just not doing the trick. Moving on. Then add a little celery & onion. I used about 1/2 cup of dried lentils and 7 cups of chicken broth. Once I brought the soup to a boil I added about a handful of spinach cut into shreds and a handful of some cheese filled Tortallinis that I get at Samsclub. Those cook fast so you have to put them last otherwise they will cook too mush. And we so don't want that! There you are, my soup creation. I'm not so focused on measurment when it comes to soup because you really can't go wrong. Try it, not only do I recommend it but Sebastian gave it two thumbs up. That means something my friend!

I'm too pleased to say that everyone has r.s.v.p-ed back for my Pillsbury Potluck! Everyone has commented on how the idea is a great one!

The weather man is calling for snow tomorrow night. I guess it's going to start around midnight tomorrow and snow all the way into Saturday. Estimates about 6-12 inches. Boy, I'm so excited....NOT! Whatever. I can't wait for Spring. Yay for floral dresses and cute flats!

Did I mention I pre-ordered my New Moon dvd! I ordered it at F.Y.E. There is one right next to my coffee shop and I know the dude that manages it, Pete, who is a hoot! Well, don't be jealous, but I ordered the special addition movie--not only that but it comes with a box set that will hold all four of the Twilight Saga! Eeeeeeeeeek!(doing a little jig).

Time to get off and hand over this stupid laptop. I am not to happy with those Geeks. They are taking their good ol' time with my lappy.
OH SHOOT. I just realized that it's Thursday! That means Vampire Diaries and Supernatural on TONIGHT...did I tell you that I have this craving for popcorn lately. Don't ask.


1 comment :

  1. that soup sounds DELISH! I can hardly wait to hear how your Pillsbury Potluck goes. love you!
