Saturday, June 26, 2010

on a summer reading list...

I've compiled a list of books that I must read. Ones that I've been meaning to but haven't got around or just because other books have gotten in the way.

(Not in any particular order)

A book that I've always wanted to read but never got around to it. I think it's about time. Also there is a second book now and I will have to read that as well. The plot is very interesting.

I'm sorry to say this but I've never read a Stephen King novel. Shocking I know. So, I've heard from many people this is a great book by him and I want to give it a read. It will be a long read since it's 1,000+ pages!

Of course you already know I've read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and so it's already a given that I just have to read the next two books. Gets me all giddy inside and can't wait to read them.

Now this is not a book I would normally pick up and read but Dave my boss is currently reading it and he gave me a description that had me asking questions and wanting to know more. Funny because he hasn't even finished the book so he had the same sort of Q's as I did. I need to find out what happens to Little Bee.

I saw someone reading this on the plane when we went to Florida. I had asked the lady how she liked it and she said "you have to read it, it's great!". Now with that I can't not read it!!

Very curious. A girl slowly turning into glass. Who meets a boy and both are on a journey to find a cure. And time is ticking away...What! Does she turn into glass?! I need to know this, and about the world that surrounds them :)

Last but not least this gem by the same auther as Lovely Bones. About a grown women who kills her own mother. Hmmmm.

What are you reading?


1 comment :

  1. I'll be interested to see what you think of Little Bee. I really didn't like it much at all and it got rave reviews. I wasn't that big on Water for Elephants either. But I loved the creepy creepy classic The Stand and, of course, the Tattoo Girl series. I'm getting ready to post my summer reading list too but your pile is much more interesting then mine. Enjoy your day baby!
