Tuesday, July 20, 2010

on being at home...

It's Tuesday and I'm at home. Reason? Pink-eye. Sebastian's left eye was looking funky Saturday night. Just a little glazed and watery. I was just thinking it might be irritation from being in the pool all day. But then Sunday morning he woke up to a crusted eye. More like an eye crusted shut! So then Monday came and both eyes were looking identical. Called the doctors and they just called some eye drops over to our pharmacy. We didn't even go in to see the doctor because firstly we couldn't even get an appointment and secondly they said from what we described that it most definitely sounds like pink-eye. I'm really not sure if I am comfortable with the diagnosis being made over the phone but what can you do.

Bobby stayed home yesterday with the little guy and I'm here sitting on the couch today. Sebastian feels fine and doesn't have anything else going on but since pink-eye is contagious there was no way he could go to daycare. The way I look at it is that I'm glad that this came out now rather than next week when it's his birthday! Amen.

 As for today we have been just bumming around. I took him out for a nice early morning stroll around our neighborhood, and at the same time I picked up a cup of coffee at the local shop named Elkins Perk :) Which was really what the doctor ordered for me because my body was like whoooaaa, what is going on here?? because I, on a regular day at work would have already had a good 2-3 cups of coffee. Yikes. I know but come on! I work at a coffee shop. It's right there. At my disposal.

 I'm about half way through The Girl Who Played with Fire. The book is killing me! It's so good. I can't get enough and I'm very frustrated with it right now because there is tons going on and not enough explaining going on. At times I just want to skip ahead so I can find out what the hell is going on because I just can't believe it. I find myself talking to myself about it. No it can't be. WHAT! Whatever, she didn't do it. or Come one, just tell me. Bobby even wanted a scoop on what was currently going on because of my dramatic reactions to each page. Pure amazing-ness!

 Sebastian's birthday bash planning is coming along great. I've already decided on the menu and set in stone. I've come to the conclusion that I won't be doing really any cooking. Which for me is a very difficult thing. I have a hard time with buying frozen stuff and throwing things together. But sometimes when you have lots of people and it's summer, cooking away in the kitchen isn't ideal. Plus this way I will be able to visit more and enjoy myself instead of being stressed over my five course meal in the kitchen.
So far I've got three families from daycare coming :) I'm very excited because three is so much better than just two or one. And I'm staying positive since we still have a week and a half so things could change. Five please!

Speaking of Sebastian's birthday, I took off Thursday the 29th and Friday to spend with him. Four day weekend anyone?! So did Bobby. We plan on taking Sebastian to Sesame Place on his birthday! We've been once when he was much younger and it was for an event held there. We weren't really able to enjoy it and that time. I was very surprised on how expensive it is for a ticket. $53! Really? Why? I just don't understand the reasoning of why it has to cost that much. That will be part one of his birthday surprise and then the second surprise gift I will just have to show you on his birthday. I really can't wait to give it to him because I know he is going to love love love it! Only 9 day left.

Bobby is going out to Virginia this weekend. He will be leaving Friday through Sunday. He has a friend out there and they are both car geeks. The guy is having a car geek shindig. I know he is going to have fun for there will be lots of things there that he will be able to participate in which doesn't happen everyday. His friend will be having a car Dyno present (big machine thingy that measures the horse power of your car) which is something that Bobby always likes to be able to do. It's always nice to find out how slow I mean, fast his car is ;) And that is me teasing him. I do however get a little nervous about him driving long distances with this T-Bird since the car isn't all that reliable. But that's me being a worry wart.

Well, there it is folks.
Have a swell day. Is that my eye itching...CRAP!

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