Sunday, September 05, 2010

on a good morning...

It's Sunday and I'm feeling refreshed. It's the last day of the weekend for me (because yes, some of us have to work on Labor Day) but honestly I am receiving this new start of the week with arms WIDE open. Last week was a little much for me and I am very glad that it's over. Done and done!
This morning was spectacular because Sebastian let me sleep in til 8! Which has not happened for a while. I believe he has aquired an inner alarm clock that has been going off between 6:30-7am. And I blame that all on daycare, with having to wake up early to get to daycare I think he has gotten used to it. Speeking of daycare, it will be closed due to the holiday both Monday and Tuesday so we are seeking help with watching Sebastian those days and of course Bobby's family will be taking on the task. Well, who else, right? We are very thankful for it anyways. In that case we will be having to sleep over tonight and Monday night. It's just easier for everyone to do that because we don't live close to each other and traveling that early in the morning isn't great, also a ton of gas! It's not my favorite thing to do because I have to pack everything in the world for both Bobby & Sebastian. OH and myself. I almost forgot. Definitely can't forget myself. It's annoying to have to do that and then there is the unpacking when we get back home. But hey, that's just me complaining.

So, back to my good morning. I woke up and fed Sebastian. Then got right to baking some delish Lemon Ginger Scones. I've been meaning to make these bad boys since JUNE! Never got around to it. Sad actually when I think about it and it really proves how crazy my schedule has been. But I finally did it. I got the recipe from my fave blog My Happy Life By The Bay. Check it out, here is the link to the recipe if you would like to give it a try! They turned out horrid. Horridly AMAZING! They are so bad that I had one then had another with butter. And then I had to share one with Sebastian. Then I stopped myself simply because I would like for Bobby have a taste. Good god, I am totally adding this to my list of favorites.

I am really hoping to be on here more often. It's weird that I have to say that to you but I swear this thing is like an itch I can't scratch sometimes. Like when I'm not able to get on here and say something quite brilliant that will change lives, it keeps me up at night! I feel so sad when I'm not able to be on here and talk to ya'll.
You will be happy to know that I have been chatting with some other bloggers out there and also entering in some very wonderful giveaways, although I haven't won anything...all in due time is what I like to say ;)

Have a great Sunday morning and if you are off tomorrow enjoy it.
I'll be giving people like you there liquid crack :) Best job ever! I feed the addiction.


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