Thursday, June 30, 2011

on some notables...

First off sorry for the short hiatus. I had an on going three or so day migraine. It was horrible. Just the light from my Mac screen was enough to make me curl up on the couch and whimper. No loud sounds or bright lights. Monday I tried my very best to get through my work day but I know I was kidding myself. In the end I had to call in Ashley to cover for me and right from work I headed to my doctors office. The doctor lady prescribed me a medicine that I can take now whenever I feel a headache coming on and will take it away completely annnnnnd it's supposedly long lasting, since my migraines last for days. So, that's that. Hoping this new medicine will help me out when I need it most. Unfortunately it does make me super drowsy and says I can't operate heavy machinery so not sure how I like that. Luckily I only need it every so often.

Last Saturday was Nicole's graduation party shindig and I promise to post pictures and all the goodies we consumed. It was a really great time. Lots of family and fun. Sebastian and kids were in the pool doing all kinds of ridiculous stunts while I helped Mom in the kitchen :) Perfect weather too! I'm sure Nicole landed herself some BIG bucks.

Now to this Saturday we are off to Reading for the our annual Reading Phillies game that we have been invited to for many years now. Debbie, who I like to call my fairy god mother because she is the sweetest most genuine lady I know. We met through my old coffee shop. She being my customer and I providing her with her favorite Iced Chai Tea Lattes. I was pregnant with Sebastian at the time and she quickly wanted to know everything and became very involved with my pregnancy thus us becoming friends. We have amazing seats in a special area of the park with a little pool for the kids to lounge in. How cool is that?! I am super excited to see her since it's been such a long time.

Speaking of Sebastian, I am really really really proud to say that my little man is potty trained :) He has been wearing undies for about three weeks now with little or no accidents. He is great with telling us when he has to go and let me just say how awesome this milestone is! I swear I love it so much. So easy and we have saved a good deal of money in the last couple weeks not have to buy as much Pull-Ups. He is still wearing them for bedtime which will be the next step but for now I am just so darn proud! Hooray for pee-pee on the potty :D Oh and he's turning three in a month. GASP.

Not sure if you remember but it's time again for Bobby to switch his whole schedule around for work. It's changes mid-way through the year. Now he will be working Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and every other Saturday. Not my favorite. Every other weekend he will be working both days :( Bummer. I'll get through it but right now it's depressing. Although Friday date nights are a plus!

Yeah, did you enjoy my diarrhea of the mouth about everything I can possible say to you? Thanks again for being here. I heart you.


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