Sunday, June 05, 2011

on George the raccoon...

Today was grand.
Let me start out with saying that my hubby saved and rescued a baby raccoon last night! Last night he was headed over late at night to help one of his close friends with their car when he noticed a baby raccoon wandering around our driveway heading toward the road. Bobby was instantly scared for the little guys life and so he made a safe home inside a box outside. After calling Aunt Cheryl for advise, after calling the police station to see what animal control could do, after calling two rehab centers it all turned out to be too late and no one would be any help. He used a shovel and gently set it in the box (I know shovel might sound barbaric but unfortunately it's the safe thing to never know). I really didn't know about all this because I already had fallen asleep for the night and was only aware of our little pal this morning. Meet George. 
Cutest little thing ever. He was pretty frightened but I don't blame him. We had no idea what to feed him and after a few tries like milk & bananas nothing really tickled his fancy. We were some what nervous as to what to do with him since no one was getting back to us on a Sunday but we had already had plans so we set out for the day and left him home. As soon as we got to mom & dad's house Bobby received a call from a lady who is a raccoon "expert" at a wildlife rehabilitation. After talking to her she assured us that if we didn't bring him in to her today that he might not survive another day!!! We couldn't have that so Bobby drove all the way back home, scooped him up and drove him out to the wildlife clinic. Bobby found out the George was only four weeks old and George is really a boy (I just had a feeling, what can I say!). And he was a little dehydrated but nothing serious. The lady said that if he wouldn't of gotten some formula in his little belly soon that he probably wouldn't of lived another night. Phew! I am so happy the George is in good hands & safe. 



  1. Glen loves this story! (of course!) And thinks Bobby is the man for sure. Very very kind. Good always comes back around.

  2. I came across this post a little late.. but it's so sweet. My sister is raising two raccoons that were abandoned and in danger to be alone. I have some posts on my blog about it. You should check it out! They are so big now and not even a year old! It's cute to see a picture of such small ones!

    1. It was so sweet! We miss George and have checked up on him twice since we took him to the rescue center!
