Sunday, September 11, 2011

on an eagle scout...

Yesterday I got to share a wonderful day with family as we witnessed Zach, Bobby's cousin receive the highest honor in Scouting-- The Eagle. I'm not going to lie when I say that I was totally ignorant to the significance of this event. I really hadn't a clue as to what it was all about and yesterday not only did I get to watch Zach become an Eagle but also I was educated on how much time and effort was put into achieving it. It seriously is so awesome. This is something that I truly want Sebastian to have, if not Boy Scouts then something that grabs his passion and lets him grow. For me growing up this was karate. I strived to become better and in the process had great mentors. And as I grew older I made it a duty to help the wee ones in their training and learning. 
Even though Zach isn't my kid as I sat there clicking the camera I couldn't help but swell with pride for Zach! It was a great gathering of people that support and love Zach and he also had really cool guests speak too! Here are some pictures of the day. (I wish I could of taken more but Sebastian was giving me a hard time)...
Days like yesterday touch my heart in a way that is hard to describe. All I know is that I am blessed to have all these wonderful people in my life and thankful for yesterday. Congrats Zach! Fly Eagle Fly :)


  1. Thanks so much for coming. As zach said in his speech he was touched that his family was there to support him. The pictures are great, thanks again for taking them.
