Monday, February 28, 2011

on some asparagus...

Tonight I made some asparagus soup. I had extra asparagus from my last dish and wanted to use it up. It's quite simple and so tasty. I really think it's my favorite, it only took about 15 minutes to prepare and cook. Gotta love it!
You'll need...
About one pound of asparagus (however I had about a pound and a half & I just used it all)
One small onion (or half a huge one, like me)
One tbsp olive oil
One 32 oz vegetable stock
salt & pepper to taste
1/4 cup heavy cream
hand blender

I first sauteed the onion in the oil until onions are translucent. In the mean time diced asparagus into one inch pieces. Add stock to pot followed by the asparagus. Turn heat up to a rapid boil. After pot is boiling reduce heat to a shimmer until asparagus is tender and your able to cut it with a knife. Add salt & pepper to your liking. Once asparagus is tender remove from heat, pour in the cream and then puree the soup inside pot with a hand blender. Va la! Done. Ladle in bowls and serve. We had some garlic bread on the side which really was perfect for it. 
Another food that is high in antioxidants!

Monday are a drag sometimes and today was just one of those Mondays. It really amazes me how great the weekend can be and then the next day it turns to crap. I got through it and actually had to give myself a pick me up and got myself a manicure after work. I haven't gotten one for a while the there's a nail salon right across from work, so I went. I always love going there because the little Asian ladies always massage my hands extra :) And it feels sooooooo good.
You can't really tell from the picture since it's my mac-cam but I got a cute shimmery purple color called First Class Ticket. How O.P.I comes up with all these names? I don't know. Sebastian thought it was funny that I was posing with my hands to the camera so he copied me. He's cute with is little chubby hands :D

Leaving you with a handful of great jams to liven up your Monday. Not sure about you but music really can put me in a better mood. Cheers!

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