Saturday, February 26, 2011

on a sat-errr-day...

Perfect tittle. It felt like I sat around all day although I really didn't. I guess I am so used to weekends being spent out and about doing lots of things, just busy. Today I woke up and made a huge plate full of pancakes and started on cooking up my Stuff Cabbage. I don't know what happened today because usually this dish takes a while to make but it felt like I sped through all the different steps. 
Step one. Combine cooked rice, ground pork, onion, salt & pepper, paprika, one egg all together. Cut apart the head of cabbage and carefully peel off the leaves. I got a small head of cabbage since it's just Bobby and I (Sebastian isn't too thrilled by cabbage..). In a small head I got about 10 leaves. You want to boil the leaves in the water for about 2-3 minutes each to soften them. Also it's important to cut off the tough spine of the leaves so it makes it easy to roll them. Once you have combined everything into the meat mixture all you have to do is plop some of it inside a leaf and roll them up & stuff the sides inside (like above). 
 Step two. I thought I'd put it all together inside my slow cooker. I didn't plan on having this until dinner. Sauerkraut comes next. Layer in on the bottom of the pot then add a layer of the stuffed cabbage. Then again with the sauerkraut. And so on. With this type of dish I don't usually have a set cook time since it varies on how many rolls you have. This cooked for about one hour and was ready by lunch.
 Good thing! Because by the time lunch came around my mouth was salivating with the aroma inside our whole place! So there you have it my huge plate of stuffed cabbage with a HUGE dollop of sour cream. Turned out delish. So good that I'm having some more for dinner. It's win, win. 

The rest of my day has been filled with sitting, cleaning, sitting some more, fiddling with my new lappy and watching Megamind over and over again. 
Oh and not to forget Sebastian and I had our selves a photo shoot. Enjoy. 
(excuse the appearance of me..gross)
 Seriously have the coolest kid ever :D

1 comment :

  1. oh man, that looks SO delicious! yum.

    and you and sebastian are TOTALLY adorable!
