Monday, January 31, 2011

on just another day...

Today was another day. Monday to be exact. Boy was it a Monday. I think I have acquired a sinus infection just like my boys so sleep wasn't much of an option last night. I didn't know what to do with myself with all the pressure in my face. Anyways now I'm on some antibiotics and tonight I better snore. 
Back to business. After work today I stopped by Wholefoods to grab a few extra things I need to make dinner. There's one right by my work and it was convenient. I really love Wholefoods but don't shop there all that much. I think I would if it was more towards my house rather than next to work since by the time I'm off work I want to try to get as far away from the place I can. Not because I hate it or anything but just because I need space too! You feel me? Whenever I set foot into the store I end up zig-zaging throughout it looking at everything. There are lots to look at and I do believe the store is laid out very well. Everything is very pretty. I needed up picking up supplies for dinner and a couple other gems..
 Black Bean Hummus. I was really fascinated by this hummus. I've seen lots of different types of flavors but never black bean so I bought it. Review. It's good. Not what I expected. It doesn't have a great hummus taste to it. After dipping a few crackers with it Bobby and I cracked open some Tortilla chips and I feel like they belong together. Also it's a little salty. Definitly best with chips and I couldn't eat it with veggies.
I don't know about you but I am a bread-a-holic. Yup, I admit it. Bread is my weakness. A fresh french baguette with yummy Brummel & Brown butter. To. Die. For. Well it's not actually really all butter because natural yogurt is mixed into it. How delicious is that? It is the best butter ever and I can't imagine spreading anything else on my bread. 

I got home today and was greeted by this little boy showing me his new toy. 
 Because Dadda spoiled him at Target today :) It warms my heart.

I've been on a Robert Pattinson binge. You see I watched Remember Me last night and tonight Eclipse. Remember Me was a great love story with a very sad ending. I loved seeing Robert acting as a different character. I was worried that when I'd see him that he would be too Edward for me but nope! He was great in this movie. Made me want him as a big brother. Which is super weird because that is definitely not the feelings I have with Edward. If you know what I mean ;) 

Lastly today I was featured on SillyGrrl. I sort of feel famous. Don't judge. Lovely Sarah over there featured my baby blog for all to see the beautiful work she did for me :) I've already got a little attention from some new friendly faces. Which is fabulous and what I dreamed of. Thanks to her my blog is revamped to something so perfect for me! So make sure that you check out Sarah's blog and contact her if you'd like a fun remodeling.


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