Monday, November 02, 2009

'swing batter batter'

I will most likely still be saying this til the day I die but...I can't believe how much my little boy is growing! He is only 15 months and is bigger than most his age. He is actually very close in size to his two year old cousin! Sebastian is blossoming into such a marvelous little boy.

Earlier today Sebastian was down for a nap, I walked into his room to check on him and I ended up standing there watching him sleep, smiling to myself.
I see so much of me in him -- notice the blue & purple afghan -- aunt katie gave him! His other one (he has had since birth) is getting to small for him now...
Banana slices sandwhiched together with peanut butter is currently Sebastian's ULIMATE favorite snack time delicacy -- as you can tell from the picture.

Living in Philadelphia the Phillies are everywhere. Although the Phils lost against the Spankee's -- I mean Yankees on Sunday they still have a chance to dominate tonight. If they win tonights game then the series will be 3-2 which means the Phills get to play a few more games to win the World Series (Phils lose they are outta heerrrree). Don't get me wrong, I don't watch games or anything like that but I still enjoy being up to date with the what's going on (thanks to Courtney!). So, I guess the question is will the Fightin' Phils repeat?!?! We'll see!

I am still stunned about the death of Patrick Swayze. It is just so sad. I am and always will be a huge fan of his movies.  Dirty Dancing is my all time favorite & of course Ghost. Today I tuned into The View while Sebastian was down for a nap since we had no netflix movies to watch (which is what Bobby & I do at 'naptime') and Patrick's wife Lisa Niemi was on the show. I love her! She is one of those genuine women & is extremely strong. The View showed many clips of Patrick & Lisa's interview (before he past) with Barbra Walkers and she didn't even shed a tear. I sympathize for the women because I can't imagine how it must be. Patrick fought stage four pancreatic cancer like crazy...
I read their book The Time Of My Life and you should too!

Lastely, I want to say to everyone in my life I LOVE YOU!

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