Monday, November 09, 2009

on who I am...

I am...

...feeling sore lately. Most everyday I am either waking up with a headache/migraine or just waking up with tention in my shoulders & neck. Not sure what is causing this. Naturally you're suppose to go to the doctor to find out why, but i'm not really liking our current doctor (sorry but I like my doctors to speak english). And our insurance is changing once the new year starts, so I don't want to change doctors til that is in effect. And when I do get around to getting an appointment I want to get labs done (since i've never had any done. ever!) that way I will be up to date on what the heck my body is doing.

...I'm always one to DIY -- and I've been very creative in that sense. In the past I've picked up knitting but never really made it long enough to actually knit something (funny how that works). So, for my goal this month is to re-kindle my relationship with knitting needles & a ball of yarn. Wish me luck!

...extremely grateful for my boyfriend.

...obsessed with New Moon (it's bad!). I can't express how much I am looking forward to the movie. I swear before bed every night I whip out my Itouch and watch all the trailers.

...lately I've been wishing the whole middle part of the United States would just split away from the eastside & westside & just move elsewhere (i don't care where). Just so Washington & Pennsylvania could be side my side. I'm thinking this feeling is currently stronger than ever because there are only 40 days til our trip out to Seattle. Knowing that means eventually leaving, which is always very hard for me.

...and currently, that's me in three winks...

I wish everyone a happy day!!


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