Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ch ch ch ch cherry bomb!

I would first like to say...
Dear Sebastian,
This is what happens when you refuse to take a morning nap and run around the whole house like a mad man! I think you've learned your lesson :)

Sunday I went with my friend/co-worker Ashley to see Alice in Wonderland. I loved it! Certainly thought Johnney Depp was brilliant and his whole get up was so captivating. Alice's adventure was very fun and the world had so much detail to it. By the way, I was very pleased to see that they put in the talking garden of flowers in the beginning of the movie, which is one of my favorite things of Wonderland!

Got a call yesterday from Aunt Cheryl which shows me that someone out there really does read my blog. YES! She called because she happend to read a couple posts back about me wanting to get a couple bikes. Sure enough she has a wonderful bike to give to us :) I'll be picking that gem up very soon now that the sun is showing itself more often. She's such a doll.

We are officially planning our FLORIDA trip. I am so frickin' excited. First-- because of course, we'll be going to Orlando and of course it's the home of Disney World which Sebastian will love. I know he most likely won't remember it once he gets older but he will enjoy it anyways and I'll have the memories to cherish in my heart and the pictures to prove it :) Secondly--Julee & Glen will be there!!! Yes, that's right. She will be in Florida the same weekend that we are planning on being there. Except she isn't going there to see Minnie Mouse but to KICK SOME BUTT in the Pillsbury Bake-Off. I. can. not. wait.

It's so refreshing to be able to keep my window open at night (and not freeze to death) and hear all the crickets.

April 9th is when The Runaways will be coming out to theater. I'm a softy for these kind of have you seen Rock Star with Mark Wahlberg & Jennifer Aniston? One of my favorite movies. Check out Kristen & Dakota--

That's Kristen with Joan Jett herself and Dakota with Cherie Currie. The original gals of the 1970s all girl rock band. Loving Dakota's boots!

Tomorrow is Thursday and then Friday!
Sweet deal.

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