Tuesday, March 30, 2010

on the new hair...

Here it is! And I love it. Perfect for the Spring & Summer. The color is beautiful even though the picutures don't do any justice. I'll try to take a picture soon in the daylight.
Tonight I will be doing a super short post due to the fact that I'm am very pooped and lots has gone down the past couple hours. I will update you on the events but just need to have some R&R with Bobby while we watch Heroes. Hopefully I will get through an episode since I am already having a hard time keeping my eyes open and it's only 8pm! I know!! What.the.HELL.
Oh, I made Buffalo Chicken Macaroni Bake for dinner tonight. First time I've made it and got it off NoblePig. We'll see how that turned out. I'll let you know.
Can't believe that next week we are going to FLORIDA :)
It's nice thinking about it. But sucks that there will be tons of things to get done until then. Ugh. Easter Sunday. Really? Already? I'll be making Deviled Eggs & a Blueberry Pie. Plus I am getting an Egg Hunt together for the boys. They will have fun finding colorful eggs hidden around the backyard of the in-laws house & I will have fun watching their faces light up & will love taking pictures of those faces!

Hope all is well with you.

1 comment :

  1. LOVE your hair!! I'm going in tomorrow for a spring/summer cut! :)
