Tuesday, August 30, 2011

on how I stay organized...

I've always been a very organized person. Honest. Ask my dad. My room was always tidy and everything had it's spot. Well, now ever since I've become a momma that organization as amped up quite a bit. Maybe you can say slightly obsessive. Hey, it works. I think it's very important to stay organized when being a mother especially a working one. The trick for me is lists and more lists and notes to myself about everything. Heck, there's been times when I email myself a reminder. Or sometimes I end up leaving super cryptic post-it notes laying around and don't even have a clue what it means the next day! (did I mention I adore post-its). So, here's a peep at how I stay organized...
First I just want to say that in exception of my agenda (that I got from Borders) everything that is shown above I got from Target! I love Target for getting organized, it the place to go. The dry erase calendar is the newest out of the bunch. The past couple of months I have been feeling like a total maniac. Tons of things going on with Sebastian's two schools on different days, Bobby's crazy work schedule and also all the family events that have been going on. It can get to be a lot. Also there are some days (especially when Bobby is working nights) that Bobby and I only see each other about an hour. It can get tough trying to go through things that we need to discuss in that hour. On the calendar I have everything written down. Color coded and easy to read. This way it's accessible to both Bobby and I and if need be we just add things as days go along. It's nice. It's made my job a little easier. Not to forget that it's a great tool for us wives out there. Like I said, I write it all down. So there's very but hun you never told me to do that! UMMM yes I did..seeeeee! As I point at the calendar. Proof. It's a lovely thing ;) 

The grocery list, same deal. Available to both of us. Makes my job easier. As we run out of things, on the grocery list it goes! Piece of pie. Bobby is wonderful at doing this! I am very picky when it comes to grocery lists. I have to have everything in categories. Mind you this list is only the list of things not to forget/things we run out of. At the end of the week I construct my own list on my own sheet with all my categories placed in a way that suits the way I shop. Yes, I shop in a certain way. I start with the veggies and work my way around. Okay, now I am totally sounding compulsive. 

I have three main notebooks. The top one is my agenda. That's where I keep on my important dates/reminders. The second notebook is strictly for work. I don't care for mixing work with home things so I always keep that separate otherwise it can get a little chaotic. Last notebook is my blog brainstorming book (my favorite). I write down thoughts, ideas and future blog post creations. It's what I like to use to keep my magical juices flowing for this lovely blog and, so you dear peaches don't get too bored! 

What sort of tools do you use to keep organized? 


1 comment :

  1. I have a million different scraps of paper everywhere! I love lists though too so I always have those going. Scratching things off is so satisfying! None of my stuff though touches your great systems. Great post baby!
