Tuesday, August 09, 2011

on lately...

I've been in the groove. Doing the everyday stuff. It's nice and comfortable. And doing it everyday is just fine with me! Even though days are unchanging I am just completely thankful for it all.

Lately I've read some great books and joined a book club of sorts. A club that is across the country but hey! I like to be included so I'm in the book club that Julee & Tanya created. It's nice. Sometimes it hurts so much to be disconnect from all of them back home. Friend & family. But doing things like this book club makes me feeling like I am close by and best of all it makes me all giddy :) I miss them so much. The first book chosen was The End of Everything by Megan Abbott. You can tell that I was overly excited about all this since I did finish the book in less than two days. Nerd. Yes. And proud of it. But no review until end of September! You will just have to wait or just go read it and review with me, it was a super good read.

Lately Bobby and I have been on a health kick. Kind of. Not saying that we are unhealthy but that we both felt like we needed a cleanse of the body. So, I think we've ate salads for dinner all week so far. Of course not the same ol' salad every night. We spice it up each time with something different. Yes, we are such a married couple. Hi my name is Anita and I concoct salads in my kitchen with my husband for fun!

Lately Sebastian is growing. I feel like every morning he wakes up and looks an inch taller or his feet look like their not going to fit into his sandals. He is loving his new school and looks forward to it every morning that we go. Also he is quite the genius and knows how to work Bobby's Ipad like it's nothing. That thing is awesome and is a great learning tool for him.

Lately I've been in the mood to change something. Anything. SOMETHING. So, here it goes...I'm getting contacts! I am going to kick the glasses to the curb for a little while. Who knows how long. A day, a month or the rest of my life. I have mixed emotions about it. I love glasses. They are easy. I take them off at night and their right there waiting for me in the morning. I put them on my button nose and ta-da, I can see! Contact seem like so much work to just put them in. I guess that's what it is. But no, no I'm getting contacts and that's final! I want to mesmerize you with my emerald eyeballs :) Speaking of change. IthinkIamgoingtosaygoodbyetoblondehairandsayhellotoREDhair. Did you get that? I think next up for me is RED hair. It just feels right and I want it to look just like Arlene from True Blood. What do you think?

Lately, since I am on the topic of hair. I'm so proud of my sister. She started Tony & Guy Academy of Hair. She did her first perm today and this is what it looked like...
Meet Genevieve. Isn't she cute? So, if you need a perm like it's 1989 go see my little sister Shelly! And by the way that is not a real person. 

Lately, I have been listing making and packing. We are heading up to the Jersey shore tomorrow after I get off work. The in laws rent a house up that way every summer and they are so kind to let us spend a few days with them. This year we will be stations up at Ocean City, New Jersey. I can't wait for Sebastian have get sand between his toes and swim in the ocean. It will be a nice couple days of beach time, family fun, salty breezes, reading with tea and long walks on the boardwalk. We'll be back late Friday and I'll be posting along the way!


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